Does anyone know what the fuck medals are? (I'm referring to the new shameful box on my page that says I haven't won any.)
I wear the pants in my sexual relationships. But that's just a formality because- Actually on second thought I have no problem with not wearing pants.
Age 31, Male
What Occupation?
The Something School of Whatev
Joined on 10/4/07
Posted by CapnChaos - February 19th, 2009
Being lazy is awesome. What's better than sleeping, eating, and tv/video games?
a) Nothing
b) All of the above
If you answer the above question wrong, you fail.
People who spend all their time making themselves physically appealing are stupid. There is literally a 0.00565% chance of becoming a professional athlete.
If you were to spend the time it takes to be physically advanced studying for school, you'll probably end up making much more money than the job you would get after you failed to get into being professional.
That's why I think that college scholarships based on football are stupid. Mr. Highschool Jock gets free college because he spent his time showering with other men, and the average A+ student has to pay the thousands it takes to get into college.
I kind of got off subject with my rant there. You can't be lazy AND get an A+. (By that I mean the average person. I am very lazy, and get highly respectable grades)
Long story short; stop stressing about your lives. Grab some Doritos, sit on the couch, and watch The Simpsons. You'll feel better.
Posted by CapnChaos - January 25th, 2009
Ok, so I was watching the first youtube collab, and realized that it kind of sucked (Quality-wise).
I liked working with friends on a project though, so I decided to make a new one.
First thing's first; It's called the Youtube Collab, not because it's about youtube, but because the original was only planned to be released on youtube.
Second; The beauty of it. I'll accept almost any format. .swf is recommended, but I'll accept, .avi, .mpg, .mov (if your format is not there, PM me.)
Third: some rules:
Format must be 550(width) By 400(height)
Each segment must be at least 5 seconds, and at most one minute,
Multiple segments are allowed.
Nothing vulgar. Nudity limits stop at breasts. (Only if you find it completely necisary to add nudity.)
Offensive language is limited. (You can say swears, but not racial, homophobic, or sexist slurs)
That being said, feel free to join. (either post here or PM me.)
Posted by CapnChaos - January 11th, 2009
I've been drawing.
I strongly prefer drawing on paper to my tablet.
The tablet is 1/3 scale. I have to keep my drawings compressed to get the same scale as paper.
Anyway, I drew the following things:
Speeling (His new warlock persona)
Posted by CapnChaos - January 8th, 2009
It's a bit early, but I wanted to make a post about the next upcoming holiday (Excluding Valentine's day, because that's just a Hallmark-made holiday) Easter!!
Those of you familiar with Easter should know that it's a holiday commemorating Jesus' death.
However, recently, it's been replaced by a more up-beat celebration- CADBURY CREME EGGS!
These are probably the best thing ever.
Milk chocolate eggs containing cream yolk. HUZZAH!
Posted by CapnChaos - December 30th, 2008
Speeling is a warlock.
Yes, I said warlock. Some of you may not know what a warlock is.
A warlock, traditionally, is a male witch. However, over the years, warlocks have grown and built their power, and are now unstoppable beings of unimaginable power.
The modern warlock has a vast variety of magical powers at their disposal, such as power over elements such as fire and ice. [As demonstrated below]
Having such a warlock among us may pose an extremely dangerous threat. HOWEVER! If we stay on his good side, we will have an extremely powerful ally.
I'm trying to decide if I'm drunk or not...
Posted by CapnChaos - December 26th, 2008
So, yesterday was pretty awesome.
I got a new MP3 player. It's like an iPod video, but by Sony.
I got a ridiculous amount of clothing (4 pairs of pants, 8 t-shirts, 3 sweaters, and more socks than you could imagine :/) Not that I didn't need them though.
I got some Xbox 360 games. (Prince of Persia, and Army of Two)
And a Gamestop gift card.
In my stocking, I got chocolate, candy, and this one pencil that looks like a wooden pencil, but it's actually mechanical.
And I got sleep pants... in a can. Yeah, it's funny. they were shoved in an over sized pop can.
And I haven't had Christmas with my dad yet.
So now, tell me aboutyour Christmas, Hannukah, or Kwanza.
Posted by CapnChaos - December 22nd, 2008
Okay, so this will make a lot more sense when you see my christmas flash [which will be late]
I used this to make most of it. Some of it is my own work (also, i made boston completely by myself)
By the way, Cash, you're not there because you aren't in the scene that I'm using south park in.
Posted by CapnChaos - December 21st, 2008
Some of you (by which I mean the people I know) may have noticed that I was gone for a bit. That was because of schoolwork, and teachers assigning too many papers, essays, reports, etc.
But now I'm on Christmas vacation, and I'll be able to be online more often.
In a sense, I'm free. :D