Being lazy is awesome. What's better than sleeping, eating, and tv/video games?
a) Nothing
b) All of the above
If you answer the above question wrong, you fail.
People who spend all their time making themselves physically appealing are stupid. There is literally a 0.00565% chance of becoming a professional athlete.
If you were to spend the time it takes to be physically advanced studying for school, you'll probably end up making much more money than the job you would get after you failed to get into being professional.
That's why I think that college scholarships based on football are stupid. Mr. Highschool Jock gets free college because he spent his time showering with other men, and the average A+ student has to pay the thousands it takes to get into college.
I kind of got off subject with my rant there. You can't be lazy AND get an A+. (By that I mean the average person. I am very lazy, and get highly respectable grades)
Long story short; stop stressing about your lives. Grab some Doritos, sit on the couch, and watch The Simpsons. You'll feel better.
I'd like to spend all day doing nothing but who's gonna get off their ass and check the boiler incase it breaks down again? (lousy Gazprom) I have the crappiest boiler ever manufactered, I can't live with it because it breaks down and I can't live without because I'll have ice dangling from my ceiling.
I live in a rented house, so the landlord fixes all the shit.
Sorry to hear about your boiler, though.