So, yesterday was pretty awesome.
I got a new MP3 player. It's like an iPod video, but by Sony.
I got a ridiculous amount of clothing (4 pairs of pants, 8 t-shirts, 3 sweaters, and more socks than you could imagine :/) Not that I didn't need them though.
I got some Xbox 360 games. (Prince of Persia, and Army of Two)
And a Gamestop gift card.
In my stocking, I got chocolate, candy, and this one pencil that looks like a wooden pencil, but it's actually mechanical.
And I got sleep pants... in a can. Yeah, it's funny. they were shoved in an over sized pop can.
And I haven't had Christmas with my dad yet.
So now, tell me aboutyour Christmas, Hannukah, or Kwanza.
Well I'm getting one of these: <a href=""> detail.asp?sku_id=0665000FS10114872&a mp;catid=25617&logon=&langid=
EN&MSCSProfile=3C79F0C7EA3162B2F9 2BD3A1477EAC01DCEDCFE6A7918F6201A4397 1951B510708D837D8D621EE3D0860ED0A8676 4A27B7743F513DCA44C094E95D35C8507210A 398E26BD08740E9CBFE89D0E9347905411B4F A943EE2A4FA35C5031810B90D88E625FECD62 653E327F8B692CCE7BF729228D5B87A03D4D2 &test_cookie=1</a>
Long enough link?
Anyway, make sure you wear sunglasses when you look at that HD