Okay, so I've been watching the score on my Madness Day flash climb, which some curiosity I might say.
Why did that horrible abomination get a score of 3.00+/5.00?
After that, I noticed that all of my flashes are now 3.00+, some are 4.00.
Why are any of my flash animations 3.00+? For the most part, they are terrible. There's one that I'm proud of, and it didn't even have voice acting.
There are so many overlooked flash animations on this website that are great. The artists have much skill and talent, and yet their flash movies suffer being blammed or otherwise voted into oblivion.
So yeah...
Happy 20/10/2010
Related to my older post:
I recorded something completely different.
/* */
Bad tastes on NG?
Or maybe pimp/Tom saves alot of flashes for the lulz. (I'm looking at you, "B".)
Yeah, who knows? Maybe Speeling just has absolute power.