So I'm a little annoyed at the animation process i just started. It's kind of... difficult.
All modesty aside, I know i can draw well with a pencil, on paper. However, that does not really translate onto my drawing tablet. The feel is completely different, and i'm more limited.
I could draw everything on paper and then scan it in and re-do it in flash, but that's a long, inefficient process.
So to make a long story short, I wish Canistel were helping me at the moment. It's a simple fact that we work well as a team, and things would just go a lot smoother if he were drawing for me. The other chief concern is that I don't want to start this in my own style, and then have him come in partway through looking to help, because then the flash would suddenly look different and that would be weird.
Canistel, if you're out there, you've got to come on and communicate more, or we'll be forced to do it without you.
I don't want to sound like i'm trying to take over and stuff, but i feel somebody should step up and take over, and you know, get things organised.
Time zones, i know, can mess things up, but to be honest, Cash and I are always on the same page, so i don't think anyone should use that as an excuse.
Sorry to go off on a rant, but We're talking about a big project here, and it's seeming more and more like a huge task, because as of now, it seems i will be doing: All of the drawing, All of the animation, All of the imagery (scripts are vague to work from), and some of the writing.
Anyway I'm just venting my thoughts here. If you've read up to this point, take what i've said into consideration, because i don't even remember what i just typed. All off the top of my head. Did i mention i'm sick? also, i haven't got more than 3 hours sleep each night for about a week.
And so now i'm going to keep on typing for some stupid reason.
I thought of a way for speeling to help if he wants. He can help direct. He may not be the best at animating, but i can see he has a talent for knowing how things SHOULD look. it would be a great help.
SO! here's a recap:
Canistel: Get online and draw stuff please.
STALKER: Uhm... you seem to be busy writing the script. Good job and stuff.
Cash: You're one of very few people i can have intelligent conversations with and at the same time just screw around and be random. I added you on msn so you should get on more.
Speeling: If you want you can help me direct.
Boston: What? He's still alive?
Retrato: Men if you read this, lulz.
CapnChaos: Take some drugs and go to sleep.
Ruppee: Fuck you, furry faggot. Nobody likes you.
TomFulp: You're kind of a sellout. Congrats on all the success though. I loved Castle Crashers.
Picture unrelated.
I'll get on MSN later on today. STALKER can rest at ease knowing we won't be using his page as a discussion page.
Fucking hell man, guess what time it is here? 1:42 AM