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Like to get going on that collab...

Posted by CapnChaos - February 12th, 2010

Okay. So it seems everyone is back, at least temporarily. Even Boston.

And I would like to take this moment of everyone being here to bring up the collab again.

I think the problem we all have is that we actually have no idea what we're doing. At all.

So I think we should all brainstorm.

I'm up for anything. I'll help animate a movie or code a game.

Edit: You can easily tell my relationship status judging by the fact that I'm sitting on Newgrounds on Valentine's day.


Molassess? What is that some fancy word for Molest?

Anyway, I'll think of ideas but well, what exactly will we be doing here?

I think that's the problem. I've got nothing. :/

You and me both, let's hope the others have something...

Funny thing is when your thinking of ideas for something for something have you noticed how your mind goes blank, but when your not trying to get an idea for something they just pop in your mind while your doing something random.

We should do remakes of children's stories that are more realistic.

Like the little train engine that could.

He thinks he can, but due to his warped sense of reality he takes on a job that he can't handle and fails.

It's an idea, and it better than what I came up with: Nothing.

lol it was a half assed idea. I was thinking of making a game though. Something like "Kitten Cannon" or "Turtle Toss", only you drive a car off a ramp.

Yes, but it was still better than my idea because I didn't have one.


Valentine's day is overated...Especially since one of my dogs was born on and died on Valentine's day. Freaky shit dying the same day your born and it stranglely was a holiday. True story, since that day I have since then despised Valentine's day with a passion, and changed it to my "Despise humanity" day. When I've taken over the world this will be a wildly known holiday and will embrace hate and jealously and you give cards to people you hate...Cards that explode. And instead of going on dates, you initate a meeting with whoever you hate and have a fight to the death. And before you ask what if someone hates me? Well if someone hates me, they'd be dead long before I even began to take over the world so theres no problem there. You also give chocolates still...But their poisoned.

I'm basically the Scrouge of Valentine's day and if I ever get visited by three ghosts of love, well I'll do the smart thing by calling the Ghostbusters, never really understood why Scrouge never does that, major plothole in the Christmas Carol story.

Valentine's day was basically invented by the Hallmark corporation as an excuse to sell overpriced cards and gifts to desperate husbands and boyfriends.

I currently work at a hallmark store, and having worked the day before Valentine's day, that theory is emphasised. I saw more men in that store that day than i had seen in the rest of my employment.

Wow...Remind me to never work in a Hallmark store. I have the good fortune to have been in a bus crash when I was 13 so I've got enough money to last me for awhile before I have to even consider getting a job.

wow, + 1,000,000,000,000 points for mooching off an injury settlement.

Did you sue the city? the bus driver? the bus company? all 3?

Bus company. Ahh, the advantages of Capitalism, the only downfall is the Upper classes that never get jobs and destroy the Economy.

I can't get it till I'm 18 though, I'm basically living off my parents until then. although as soon as I get it I'll probally rent an apartment in Liverpool City.

hehe lulz

Looks like it's just you and me again Cash...

Yup, again...I've noticed when one of us comes back another goes missing. Boston and Stalker recently came back then RBL, Stalker and Boston went.

We're never all back :/

I'm back again.

Oh hai

I bet either me or Capn is going to go missing. Or RBL and Boston will come back then either me, STALKER or Capn will once again go missing. :p

Interestingly, I rarely go missing, and if i do I'll announce it.

Shows how fuffilling a life i lead...

All I've been doing for the past 3 years is drinking at home and playing Video games...Well, I'm in Liverpool. The sights get boring after you've seen them that many times and the city smells like piss everywhere you go with a hint of poverty and crime and PLENTLY of Prostitutes.

Fable 2- Bloodstone much?

Funnily enough, I've always wondered if Bloodstone is a parody on Liverpool.

It's a port town like Liverpool, it's full of crime like Liverpool, Liverpool has the worst police ever, might aswell not be any Police at all like Bloodstone has.

Next thing I know I'll find out that Liverpool was originally a Bandit Camp and the leader was called "Doubleblade" or something. And certain areas look so run-down it's ridiculious. Luckily I've never really lived in an area that's that bad compared to other places here mainly because I've lived in a Family that actually works and most of the men have been in the Military.

Plus we get made fun of alot by other places in Britain, our stereotype is that we're all stupid thugs that have no education, which is exactly what Bloodstone is, full of stupid thugs and visiting pirates with no education. Although, I don't think there's ever been Pirates here. Or maybe there was in the 17th century, I just didn't know about it.

Some sight-seers have also refered it to as the "England's New York." because of all the sights and there not kidding, because we have the same level of Crime and Poverty to match even though they just meant because of the sights.

Let's just hope no one tries to claim there a religious temple that get people to do things to clean up Liverpool secretly scamming them in the process.


tl;dr (<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjTB8aveQnE">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjTB8a veQnE</a>)

THAT'S how bad it is here. Gangs here even put videos up on Youtube showing off their Dogs, Guns and other stuff like that. Even worse Youtube does nothing to delete them, yet deletes videos that have a bit of nudity in them but are made for fun.

That's because it's part of the american media, which has really idiodic censorship ideals.

Lol American Media.

Hehe, yeah, both of our countries major population dislikes America.

Back. Went to Florida for the week.

Wtf. I wish I had that kind of money. Check the "job" section, under my userpic.

What happened to working at Hallmark?

Yeah lots can happen in a few days.

I didn't quit, nor was I fired in the traditional sense.

I was on a temporary employment, contract and all.

It turns out the contract literally meant "give us your life in the busy times (Christmas and valentines day) and then fuck off. "

Now here I am looking for a job. Unfortunately, I'm likely very over-qualified for any job willing to hire a 16 year old. Most jobs Outside fast food just assume that all teens are punk anarchists. It will be a cold day in hell before I work at a Mcdonald's.

Well, according to Dante's inferno, the 9th circle is ironically the only place in Hell that's incredibly cold.

But I don't blame you for not wanting to work at McDonalds.