Shut the fuck up.
Okey Dokey, now that that's been said, I aughtta let you guys know that I've been online, but you guys just haven't bothered to talk to me.
CashClock, I have another bone to pick with you (lol that's what she said).
I don't know your fuckin' name.
and what's more, Your the ONLY one.
Pearlock/Redbartlettlock = Healy
Speeling/Elliez3 = Elliot
Retrato/Tetsacry = Bradley
STALKERClock/Themarkedone = Sergo
Dcorp = Daniel
CapnChaos = Nick
So what about you, you british bastard?
By the way, I'm not as angry as i let off in this post. However, I only got 3 hours sleep last night. I'm tired.
LAWL # hours of sleeP