Alright, so I was thinking today, and I discovered something very shocking; The Devil is Greater than God.
Now, as an agnostic, I don't believe in one definite god, but for you religious nuts out there, here you go.
1. The devil is greater than nothing.
2. Nothing is greater than God.
3. Therefore, The Devil is greater than God!
Heartbreaking news.
God is undoubtedly worshiped because he is believed by many as the highest power.
If the Devil is greater than god, then all you religious people have got it all wrong.
Maybe goths are actually onto something.
The street preachers make me laugh where I live.
There were two street preachers the pther day, across the road from each other.
One guy had a sign that said: The end is nigh! Repent!
The other one said: The end is nigh! Rejoice!