Great birthday today.
Got some gifts.
1. $440.00 In total birthday money.
2. Bithday cards. Notably a giant homer simpson card that plays 'doh' repeatedly when opened.
3. Dairy queen Ice cream cake.
4. Baked goods. (A personal sized cake and a batch of cookies)
5. And awesomeness shirt. There isn't just the alphabet of gaming, but the games are all battling.
A steroids
B omberman
C ontra
D onkey Kong
E xciteBike
F rogger
G alaga
H alo
I ndiana Jones
J oust
K atamari
L uigi
M egaman
N inja Gaiden
O regon Trail
P itfall
Q uake 1
R ayman
S uperMario x
T etris
U ltimta
V irtua fighter
W arcraft
X Men /
Y oshi
Z elda [triforce]
First comment and happy b-day and...yeah...