I wear the pants in my sexual relationships. But that's just a formality because- Actually on second thought I have no problem with not wearing pants.

Age 31, Male

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Joined on 10/4/07

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Hey cool! Is this a screenshot or just a little concept art?

Screenshot, but it's from the trailer thing i'm doing, not the flash itself.

Wait, you mean this collab was real? I thought it was all a dream!

Great Screenshot/Concept art. Whatever it is...

Those shrooms...You know in reality Mario doesn't get bigger when he eats those, he just hallucinates that he is.

Well no shit. How did you like it though? ;D

The funniest part is that with all the brainstorming we've done, this collab would still work just as well as a game as it would an animation

I already reviewed it. It was funny. But that's all there is too it.

The graphics could use work so since Canistel is also an animator I'd enlist his help for the actual collab. Although this is a trailer so I don't blame for you not commiting to it 100% if that's what you did. I certainly wouldn't.

However, I don't mind bad graphics and it was funny and entertaining.

Yeah, I dissed your art, so what. Wanna fight about it?

Dude seriously? i scribbled the whole trailer together at 1 am the other night. it was just supposed to be SOMEthing (more than we've had at all) to get my mind on track in flash.

For the record, this is not me taking things too seriously, just me trying to explain myself xD

How do you guys feel about voting for a game or animation?

i agree with cash, I mean, i'll be doing most of the actual work unless canistel comes back and helps us, but having the full script would really help the decision making process.

I think it's best we finish the script and then we decide that.

Once we've settled a script I think you and hopefully Canistel can find a way to show STALKER and me scenes that you just made so we can both review them without using Newgrounds.

Oh and sorry guys if I look like I'm trying to boss people around or get incharge with all the "I think we should do this". I'm not trying to boss anyone around before someone gets that vibe, I'm just telling my ideas which are dismisable if you guys don't like them.

If we want this collab to be awesome we're all going to have to be brutally honest about each other. No "Hey, your a friend and I don't won't to upset our relationship by saying that it sucks so hard I vomited.

If we start complimenting each other's stupid ideas (We're all going to have a stupid idea and an unfunny joke.) we're going to end up making the worst collab that ever existed.

We can solve this problem by taking a vow not to be offended when someone says one or all of your ideas/joke are stupid ("Omg guys my idea/joke was awesome you guys are gonna make this collab suck! I hate you all and I don't want to speak with you anymore!) or will you do a fake compliment of someone's idea. ("Yeah, putting that overused joke about a >insertoverusedjokehere< was hilarious, where do you come up with this shit?")

I take this vow to be brutally honest and not be offended in anyway if one or more of my ideas/jokes are critized because I understand that it is my friend/two friends/all of there viewpoint/s that it shouldn't be in the collab and once an idea is dismissed I drop it there and then and never mention it again or hold it against my friends so the Collab can have only good ideas into it instead of a load of bad ones.

Note: I'm still not trying at Leadership of the Collab, I'm once again making suggestion that you guys are able to dismiss. Democracy > Dictatorship. You know, unless it's a really good Dictator, but even the good ones go mad with power. So Democracy's the safe option. Like a condom, You can risk having a STD by not using a Condom and most of the time if your lucky it's a much better option, but if it goes wrong your fucked.

Good points were made. I know you're not trying to take over, and i like that you're doing what you can toward the collab. I'm all for constructive criticism, in fact I told you that overusing stereotype jokes would get old.

Now, all that aside, i have an important question. Should i be making my drawings and stuff detailed, or cartoony?

I don't mean cartoony as in like, crappy or anything. But like, what quality are we going for? The kind Canistel and I used in Lock Day Adventure? In that case, he needs to come back and start drawing stuff.

My votes on cartoony, it's more funnier in a Clock/Lock flash and way more enjoyable.

i was thinking that.

I hope canistel comes back though. If he draws and I animate it will turn out great.

I mean, i could draw, but it's a butt load of work

He's actually online, he just doesn't come on these pages anymore. I say we totally spam his page to get him involved in the collab.

He seems to be unaware that we're making progress of designing the collab and creating the script. His last post was about how we should be "starting on that collab"

I'm here, everyone! Just tell me what needs to be done! :D

Haha, you really need to be visiting our pages to stay up to date.

So basically, what you need to do is write part of the script.

The story involves us being in different worlds based on our favourite games. (STALKER-land, fable-land, etc.)

You need to come up with a "game-land" of your choosing and write part of the script about it.

After the script is written, it looks like you and me will be doing the actual flash parts, so we could either do it like our ban day flash (you draw i animate), or we can have equal parts drawing and animating.

If we decide on making this into a game, you could draw and animate, and i could program.

Finally! We're now all set. Since STALKER seems to be leading the script he asked us to write our own level.

Well, the basic outline is stalker's idea, and i like where he's going with this. I wrote a part, and sent it to you in PM

Great news guys. I might have a good plan for my part after all, but I'm still getting headaches over writing it. I'm OK it's just that these things take time and lots of hard thinking.

Please have mercy and tell me that blurb isn't a real life story...

Unfortunately my friend, that is a first-hand account.

*vomits on your page*

I know, right?

People that fat should be prohibited when having Children for the sake of humanitie's evolution. (If I build a time machine and I find out we've evolved into a fatty, short and greasy good-for-nothing race that depends on Machines, I'll reprogramme the Robots to turn on their masters who won't put up a fight since they lack the physical ability of standing up.)

It's like that movie Wall-E. They're all fat and can't even walk.

By god, I need to get a time machine to destroy the McDonalds corp. There food only tastes nice because it's injected with god knows how many chemicals.

Their food tastes gross and makes me sick.

Hmmm... I think we should do a movie. Just me. But I'm already choosing Ocarina of Time for my game. I'll work on writing a script part now.

kay. sounds good. Great game.