I wear the pants in my sexual relationships. But that's just a formality because- Actually on second thought I have no problem with not wearing pants.

Age 31, Male

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The Something School of Whatev


Joined on 10/4/07

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Got a PS3, The Wall (Pink Floyd album and the movie), Dark Side of the Moon (Pink Floyd album), MW2, some cool DethKlok guitar picks, and lots of other stuff...

What'd YOU get?! O_o

For my last Christmas ever...(Well, you know what I mean...Next year I'll be an Adult so no one will buy me shit anymore...growing up sucks. ='[ )I got a Plasma TV with a freeview box built in and Assassin's Creed 2. (Epic game you all need to get it, it has the best story in a game I've ever seen.)

Well, seeing as how i have a brother and 3 sisters, i didn't get as much as you crazy people got. No TVs or PS3s or anything that big.

However, i didn't do too bad.

I got:

New computer chair (desperately needed)

Wireless keyboard/mouse

$100 mastercard gift card

45$ in walmart giftcards

20$ eb games / gamestop gift card

40$ gift card to the local mall


more clothing

"The Hangover" on DVD

A viking style Beer mug

a book full of chuck norris jokes

a new watch

a 360 game (Blacksite: Area 51)

New cell phone

random chocolates

some other small stuff i forget

Capn, if you add up all the price of that then you've got more than me. Like Double in moneys worth. It's all small stuff but combined it's more than my and RBL got combined. And I have two brothers and a sister.

lul true. Having four siblings means four more presents.

Didn't consider that.

That was from my Mom and stepdad, Dad and stepmom, and then grandparents

I've noticed that Cash is the only one with an updated post.

That's because your all lazy! >:(

Or I'm lazy and spend too much time at home, talking to friends only in College and on weekends.

Oh and Capn, I've just noticed how my favourite game is Mass Effect and the whole series, whilst your favourite game is Fable. Fable is made by a British gaming company, Lionhead. While Mass Effect is made by a Canadian company, Bioware. Lol, the irony.

I know right?

Mass effect is amazing though, i need to go buy the new one when it comes out.

And lol yeah Fable is my favourite game and you like it too. British.

And STALKER is my favourite single player FPS. and it's STALKER's favourite, obviously.

I love how The three of us play Xbox and PC games, while Redbartlett is the odd man out with his Wii and PS3.

Are you trying to make Redbartlett not fit in with the rest of us? Pointing out he lives in a hot area, has different consoles and shit. Forshame, Capn. Hell, he's the reason I know you and Stalker.

I don't remember how i met you.

Lol i was just saying anyway.

Neither do I, but I knew RBL was the guy who I knew before you all, I sort of started commenting on his page, became a friend of his, then started commenting on yours, Stalker's and speeling's pages. Remember, back then I had the immature and random humour, which shortly 99% of the Clocks hated and assumed I was like, 10. Yeah, luckily though, I think everyone's forgotten how stupid my humour was...I also spoke in 1337 5P33K constantly...So did RBL at the time, so I guess I'm not alone. Notice how I hardly ever do that now. I actually cringe everytime I look back on my old posts...I'm considering deleteing most of them, but whatever. Now my humour has evolved into more of a mature and darker sense of humour. Although, it was already kind of dark but yeah...It's more mature and I don't look like a ravaging idiot everytime I make a joke.

Well, I think all of our senses of humour back then were basically the same, but with annoying Clock/Lock overtones, wrapped up in 1337 5P33K.

It was most likely to be so that we could confirm friendship before opening up.

Heh, I'm actually reading Mass Effect: Relevation. Just a book based on Mass Effect, 30 years before the event of Mass Effect 1 that explains in detail what really happened to Captain Anderson when he failed at being a Spectre and how Saren did it. Unusally for a book based on a game (Which usually suck.) it's actually well-written and explains alot that Mass Effect didn't about the story. (Saren and Anderson's past, First Contact War, etc.)

See mass effect falls into my favourite genre: Action RPG.

I like having level up systems, actual story lines, adventure elements, etc. from RPGs, but a lot of rpgs are really pointless. You just spend days leveling up so that you can spend more days leveling up.

That's why among my favourite games have always been; Fable (no shit), Prince of Persia, God of war, and even the Legend of Zelda series (though i generally only like the older ones and the game boy/ gameboy advanced ones)

I'm glad to see that genre coming back with games like mass effect, Borderlands, Darksiders, Fallout 3 (although it was somewhat of a disapointment)

good stuff!

merry (very l8) x-mass?

i guess

Whoa, I haven't talked to you in a long time, how's it going?

Oblivion was also annoying, it was fun doing quests and exploring but to level up you'd pretty much have to repetively kill shit over and over or jump/run around for ages or just cast the same spell repetively, etc. You had to do all that to fucking level up, I think Bethesda needs to realize that Oblivion shouldn't be treated like an rpg. Although it was long, even if you didn't bother leveling up like I did, it lasted me about a month of gameplay. Really you should level up while your playing the game, not while your spending about an hour doing the same thing over and over again.

You do realize that RBL's back right?

Omgwtfbbq! Really?

Lol, I just re-read my rant on Oblivion and realized I said "Oblivion shouldn't be treated like an RPG." Before you think I'm an idiot, I meant "Oblivion shouldn't be treated like an MMORPG.".

Lol, yeah i don't know why people group all RPGs and treat them like MMO's