VS. A ninja, Prepare to be so totally owned.
I wear the pants in my sexual relationships. But that's just a formality because- Actually on second thought I have no problem with not wearing pants.
Age 31, Male
What Occupation?
The Something School of Whatev
Joined on 10/4/07
VS. A ninja, Prepare to be so totally owned.
(I ain't doin anymore though, I was simply introducing the Troll 3000.)
You should bring a water pistol with you next time. ~That will fry it's circuits up nicely.
STALKER does Evil Genius mean nothing to you?
I'm way ahead of ya. (Water-Proof Exterior)
Yeah. All military robots (nothing like that one, but like drones and probes) Are water-proofed.
Also nice comic.
Thank you sir.
Everyone at School is talking about Fable II (And by everyone at school I mean all the Gamers who sit in the Library with their DS's and PSP's out.)
It's a great game. My 360 scratched my disk, though D:<
Make it larger I still can't read it.
Well, if it makes you feel better, i can't read your's either. Sharpies are shit for writing. I'll enlarge it when i get home.
Ok. Why don't you bring a can opener and then squirt water in it.
A can opener won't do the jack, 15 Inches of Pure Titianium
Signal jamming?
Look, He's freakin' invincible!
Everything has it's strengths and weaknesses.
What are you refering to? My comic or speeling's?
EDIT: I realize a moment too soon that you are referring to the robot.
Lol, I took a day off today. (Not sick, I just didn't go...)
Yeah, I'm straight badass gangsta, FO SHURE N***A!
Dumb Gangster Slang -_-
Btw, I'm getting Fable II on Christmas alongside Spore. (The game looks fucking awesome.)
Fable II has only came out recently in Britain bout a Week ago.
My disk was scratched by my 360.
Gotta buy a new disk.
The Evil-Corrupt character looks so Bad-ass!
make sure you don't eat a lot of junk food in that game. You get fat really easily.
That's rather odd, I play my Xbox360 all the time and the disks are perfectly fine. I also have a long story to tell.
Let's hear it.
I designed mine to be a huge comic so it could be made in a series itself. The other short ones should be made sepratly from this one. Because this is a flash series to be made itself. I don't need money really unless they get like monthly bests. I'm on the 6th and it looks FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!