I wear the pants in my sexual relationships. But that's just a formality because- Actually on second thought I have no problem with not wearing pants.

Age 31, Male

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The Something School of Whatev


Joined on 10/4/07

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CapnChaos's News

Posted by CapnChaos - July 30th, 2008

Hey guys, this is your LAST day to submit anything for the Youtube Collab. Just a heads up, I'm compiling it tomorrow, so this is your last chance.


Also, this is why I havn't done anything in a couple days:

Last day for submissions.

Posted by CapnChaos - July 19th, 2008

Oh my god, Fable II is coming out soon!

Fable was the best game ever, and now a kick-ass looking sequel.

I'm overwhelmed with joy.

Fable II case.

CapnChaos in Fable.

Oh god... OH GOD YESS!!!

Posted by CapnChaos - July 17th, 2008

The blond guy is pearlock.

Full size here.


Posted by CapnChaos - July 16th, 2008

Grrr. My DVD-RAM/+RW (The ultimate disc drive before blu-ray) crapped out on me randomly.

I don't know why, though. It's fine on the outside, and it still opens and closes, but windows won't recognize it. I checked inside the computer, and there's no physical damage to anything, but I don't know what I need to replace!

The cord? the Drive? The motherboard? (I hope to god not the motherboard.)

It's a LITE-ON DVDRW LH-18a1p, and I'm running Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2.

If anyone can shed insight on my problem, it would be much appreciated.

EDIT: I fixed it.

Posted by CapnChaos - July 12th, 2008

HOLY SHIT GUYS!!!! My birthday's in ONE MONTH!!!


Send some birthday money. (lol j/k, but go ahead if you want, I won't stop ya.)

P.S Does anyone like my new header?

Posted by CapnChaos - July 9th, 2008

Alright, so, people who are going to be making submissions for mine and Pearlock's youtube collab, I'm going to have to set a deadline at some point, so I may as well do it now.

I think that you guys should have your submissions in by july 30th. That way, you guys will have about 3 and 1/2 more weeks to work on your submission, and then I'll have a few days to throw it together and submit it before I leave for my birthday.


Also, here's something I drew. Tell me what ya think.

Youtube Collab...

Posted by CapnChaos - July 2nd, 2008

Yeah, so I'm pretty bored, so I decided to make a new post.

So anyway, I'm sure most of you have seen Tom's new post, because of him giving away money and whatnot. And so you probably saw what he said about the Sumo Sac.

Now, I'm not really one to be amazed by chairs, but WOW. These things are HUGE!

And what's more!! I'm getting one!!! I'll probably post some pictures when I do, but that won't be for 4-6 weeks.

This is the one I'm getting, but I can't decide on the colour. There's Black, Red, light blue, Beige, and Brown. I'm open to suggestions.


Posted by CapnChaos - June 23rd, 2008

You can use flash in the youtube collab now. That's right. ANY animation program is acceptable now.

The thing is though, if you're using flash CS3, export it as a .MOV (quicktime) file, because that will keep your movieclips in tact.

If you're using flash 8 or below, send me the .FLA

If you're using anything other than flash, send me in .AVI or .WMV or .MPEG or .MOV format.

Here's a demo >=D

/* */

Regarding the Youtube collab

Posted by CapnChaos - June 18th, 2008

Hey dudes and chicks, me and Pearlock are making a colab for Youtube. The catch is, each submission will be made in windows movie maker!!

So you don't need flash to join this colab, and there are very few rules.

1. not a plain slideshow. Speed the framerate so you can animate.

2. Not just one. Make at least 2 clips.

3. Not too short. Make sure that combined, the too flashes add up to at least 6 or seven seconds.


You can use flash now. That's right. ANY animation program is acceptable now.

The thing is though, if you're using flash CS3, export it as a .MOV (quicktime) file, because that will keep your movieclips in tact.

If you're using flash 8 or below, send me the .FLA

If you're using anything other than flash, send me in .AVI or .WMV or .MPEG or .MOV format.


Posted by CapnChaos - June 15th, 2008

Hi there people!! I know that at least a few of you out there like me, so I made this nifty wallpaper!

I've been planning to do this for a while, and it took a lot of different takes to draw each character.

I have about 50 pages with rough copies on 'em.

P.S. Stalker, I know that this is just a temporary version of you, and thats why theres no shading or anything on you. BUT Once you draw your own version of yourself, I'll update it.

Gave some resolution options for ya.

800 x 600 | 1024 x 768

A wallpaper.