Hey dudes and chicks, me and Pearlock are making a colab for Youtube. The catch is, each submission will be made in windows movie maker!!
So you don't need flash to join this colab, and there are very few rules.
1. not a plain slideshow. Speed the framerate so you can animate.
2. Not just one. Make at least 2 clips.
3. Not too short. Make sure that combined, the too flashes add up to at least 6 or seven seconds.
You can use flash now. That's right. ANY animation program is acceptable now.
The thing is though, if you're using flash CS3, export it as a .MOV (quicktime) file, because that will keep your movieclips in tact.
If you're using flash 8 or below, send me the .FLA
If you're using anything other than flash, send me in .AVI or .WMV or .MPEG or .MOV format.